Preserving and Improving Language Skills You Developed While Studying Abroad

Studying abroad or traveling to a foreign country can be a great way to learn and develop language skills. However, once you return home, it can be challenging to maintain and preserve those skills.

Studying abroad or traveling to a foreign country can be a great way to learn and develop language skills. However, once you return home, it can be challenging to maintain and preserve those skills. Here are some tips on how to preserve language skills developed while studying abroad or traveling:

1. Continue to practice: The most effective way to preserve language skills is to continue to practice speaking, reading, and writing in the language. Look for opportunities to practice with native speakers, join a language exchange program, or find a tutor who can help you continue to develop your language skills.

2. Use language-learning apps: Language-learning apps like Babbel, Mango, or Pimsleur (or Sygmatic!) can be a great way to keep up with your language skills. These apps provide a range of exercises and games that can help you practice vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension.

3. Immerse yourself in the language: Surround yourself with the language as much as possible. Watch TV shows or movies in the language, listen to music, and read books or articles in the language. This will help you maintain your language skills and develop your comprehension.

4. Stay connected to the culture: Staying connected to the culture of the language you learned can help you stay motivated and interested in continuing to develop your language skills. Attend cultural events or festivals, connect with people from the culture, and travel back to the country if possible.

Preserving language skills developed while studying abroad or traveling requires continued practice, use of language-learning apps, immersion in the language, and staying connected to the culture. By using these tips, you can continue to develop and maintain your language skills and ensure that your hard work and effort in learning a new language were not in vain.

Remember - people around the world do the same everyday tasks in another language. Why can’t you replace some day-to-day activities with a foreign language version? Write your shopping list down in another language, find the dubbed version of your favorite TV show, tune into an international news station. The list goes on! You don’t need to always carve out dedicated language learning time when you can simply convert something you already do to into a language learning opportunity.

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