
Studying abroad or traveling to a foreign country can be a great way to learn and develop language skills. However, once you return home, it can be challenging to maintain and preserve those skills.


Reductions are a common feature of spoken language, where sounds change or get shortened when people speak quickly. They happen in a predictable way, so once you’ve learned the patterns by which sounds change and disappear you can begin to replicate it in your speaking as well.

Speaking another language can be challenging, and it's not uncommon to feel like a different person when you speak in a language other than your native tongue.

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Boost Your Speaking!

A series of blog posts that will help you speak naturally with ease.


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Sygmatic is a dialogue-driven language learning platform that uses videos of native speakers in the wild during their daily routines, at work, or hanging out with friends to teach natural speaking & cultural fluency for seamless communication in any situation.

Our mission is to revolutionize language learning. Why is it that so many people study a foreign language, yet so few are able to communicate easily and effectively? We want to change that.

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Reductions in Spoken Language

Reductions are a common feature of spoken language, where sounds change or get shortened when people speak quickly. They happen in a predictable way, so once you’ve learned the patterns by which sounds change and disappear you can begin to replicate it in your speaking as well.

3 min read
Adopting the Right Slang in Another Language

Slang is a type of informal language that is used in everyday conversations among native speakers. Using slang can make your speech sound more natural and help you connect better with native speakers.

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The “Get Fluent Fast" Scam

In today's fast-paced world, many people are looking for quick solutions to problems, including learning a new language. However, becoming fluent in a language quickly is not effective or feasible.

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